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In 2007 Capital Shopping Centres Group fully adopted electronic communications with shareholders following changes in UK legislation and the FSA’s Listing Rules, and the consequent approval of changes to the Company’s articles at the 2007 AGM. This move recognised the speed and efficiency of electronic communications and elimination of the waste and expense inherent in the production and posting of hard copy annual accounts, notices of shareholders meetings and other documents which are required to be sent to shareholders (’shareholder information‘).

Also in 2007 Capital Shopping Centres Group commenced the practice of reporting its financial results quarterly, but this was replaced in 2009 by publication of interim management statements. This information, together with the annual and interim results and any other relevant information, will be made immediately available on this website.

Hard copies of shareholder information will only be posted to shareholders who, after being given due notice, have specifically requested to receive such information in that form. All other shareholders will be alerted to the publication of shareholder information on the website by an email (where shareholders have provided an email address to our registrars) or by post.

Shareholders may elect to receive hard copy shareholder information at any time; all elections will remain in force until rescinded.

Shareholders on the UK register may apply to receive hard copy shareholder information or provide an email address to receive email alerts, by completing the form download on this page, or alternatively by visiting our UK registrars website at, or by contacting Capita Registrars directly.

Shareholders on the South African register may apply to receive hard copy shareholder information or provide an email address to receive email alerts, by completing the application form available for download on this page, or by contacting our South African registrars, Computershare Investor Services (pty) Limited.

[Note: if your shares are held in STRATE and you have previously asked to receive copies of information from the Company, please advise your CSDP or broker to delete that request, otherwise you may continue to receive hard copy information.]

In addition, all shareholders can register via this website to be advised of all corporate announcements by Capital Shopping Centres Group .

Specific hard copies of certain Capital Shopping Centres Group publications can be ordered via this website or by contacting the Company.

Web-based enquiry service for shareholders

Found at, shareholders registered in the UK can use this service to obtain details of their shareholdings, transactions and dividends. The shareholder’s surname, Investor Code (found on any correspondence from registrars) and postcode are required to use this service. Shareholders may also use this service to amend or change their address and dividend mandate details.

Found at, shareholders registered in South Africa can use this service to obtain details of their shareholdings. Shareholders will need to follow a registering process in order to access such information. Unfortunately, due to South African legal requirements, shareholders may not update records, but will be able to view their entire holding of shares globally.

Share dealing

Existing UK shareholders may trade Capital Shopping Centres Group PLC shares through Capita Share Dealing Services who provide an easy to use, real-time online, telephone and postal dealing service.

Existing South African shareholders whose shares are held in electronic format through Computershare CSDP, may trade Capital Shopping Centres Group PLC shares through Computershare’s low cost telephone share dealing service.


Shareholders on the UK register may apply to receive hard copy shareholder information or provide an email address to receive email alerts by visiting the UK registrar's website:

Capita Registrars website


Shareholders on the South African register may apply to receive hard copy shareholder information or provide an email address to receive email alerts by visiting the South African registrar's website:

Computershare Investor Services