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Peel Transactions: Results of General Meeting 17 February 2012

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Capital Shopping Centres Group PLC (”CSC“ or the “Company“) announces that, at its General Meeting held at 11.00 a.m. today at 40 Broadway, London SW1H 0BT, the resolutions to approve:

(i) the acquisition of a 30.96 acre site known as King George V Docks (West) (”KGV West“); and
(i) the acquisition of an option to purchase certain land in the province of Malaga, Spain (the Option“)

from subsidiaries of the Peel Group (the “Resolutions“), as set out in the Circular to Shareholders and Notice of General Meeting dated 25 January 2012, were duly passed by the requisite majority of shareholders on a show of hands.

Proxy appointments were validly made in respect of 694,224,919 CSC ordinary shares representing 80.69% of shares in issue. Details of proxy votes received in relation to each of the Resolutions are as follows:

Resolution Votes For Percentage of
votes cast
1. Acquisition of KGV West 621,753,440 90.10% 68,291,755 4,179,704
2. Acquisition of the Option 548,005,892 81.35% 125,620,436 20,598,571


1. Any proxy appointments which gave discretion to the Chairman have been included in
the ‘for’ total.
2. A ‘vote withheld’ is not a vote in law and is not counted in the calculation of the proportion of the votes for or against a resolution.
3. Total voting rights of shares in issue: 860,347,169. Every shareholder has one vote for every
ordinary share held.

A copy of the Resolutions has been submitted to the National Storage Mechanism and will shortly be available for inspection..

The full text of this announcement is available for download here.


Susan Marsden
Company Secretary

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Both Transactions approved

Full announcement text pdf (80KB)