Financial PR - United Kingdom
Michael Sandler
Hudson Sandler Limited
29 Cloth Fair
London. EC1A 7NN
Financial PR - South Africa
Nicholas Williams
College Hill Associates (SA)
Fountain Grove
2nd Avenue
Hyde Park
2024 South Africa
Registrars - United Kingdom
Capita Registrars
The Registry
34 Beckenham Road
Kent BR3 4TU
Registrars - South Africa
Computershare Investor Services pty Ltd
70 Marshall Street, Johannesburg 2001
South Africa
Postal address:
PO Box 61051, Marshalltown 2107, South Africa
Registrars - United States (ADR’s)
The Bank of New York Mellon
Investor Relations
PO Box 11258
Church Street Station
New York
NY 10286-1258
Company brokers and sponsors - United Kingdom
John Dwyer
Merrill Lynch International
20 Farringdon Road
London EC1M 3NH
Real Estate Equity Research Team
UBS Limited
1 Finsbury Avenue
London EC2M 2PP
Company brokers and sponsors - South Africa
Julia Benadie
Merrill Lynch South Africa Pty. Limited
138 West Street
Sandton 2193
South Africa