Capital Shopping Centres Group PLC ranks as a leader in the property sector in Corporate Responsibility (CR) management.

We are committed to working closely with the communities served by our businesses and operating responsibly in terms of care for the environment, reduction in energy consumption and promotion of increased recycling of waste. We continue to be rated as a top 100 company by Business in the Community in their corporate Responsibility Index and remain constituent members of the FTSE4Good, Dow Jones Sustainability Indexes and JSE SRI Index.
The full Corporate Responsibility report is web-based and is structured to meet the needs of interested groups, including shareholders, employees, local authorities, consultants and retailers. The full report contains complete data and key performance indicators of special interest to stakeholders wanting a deeper understanding of our CR credentials. A printed summary is also produced for those wanting an overview of our activities, available as a download or hard copy.
Capital Shopping Centres Group PLC is proud to have achieved the rare and valuable CommunityMark, developed by Business in the Community. It is just recognition of the dedication and work of staff throughout Capital Shopping Centres’ business and our community partners in dealing with issues that are important to us and, we know, our customers.
Only by a focused approach and working closely together can our key objectives be successfully accomplished. Capital Shopping Centres’ success is based on innovative community programmes tailored to the locations where we operate. We recognise that our centres are part of the hub of the communities in which they are located and the projects developed with our partners reflect local needs.
The CommunityMark assessment was rigorous and wide-ranging. It is valid for three years and is subject to an interim review. This provides us with a sound structure for further development, building on the success we have already achieved.